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January 5th, 2008 at 09:03 pm
If you are new here, you may want to learn Text is what this site is about and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?page_id=128 what this site is about.
I encourage you to subscribe to my Text is RSS feed and Link is http://feeds.feedburner.com/savingfreak RSS feed or receive Text is free e-mail updates and Link is http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=1180671&loc=en_US free e-mail updates. Thanks for visiting!
Yesterday I talked about budgeting with a Text is monthly budget and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=124 monthly budget, but that can be hard if you are living paycheck to paycheck. If you are in that position right now do not feel bad because almost 70% of American employees are in that situation. In order to get out of paycheck to paycheck living you will have to start managing your money better.
The weekly budget is a tool that will allow you to get a grasp on your money without having to plan the whole month. Once again I will refer you over to Text is Joe Sangl’s tools page and Link is http://www.josephsangl.com/?page_id=151 Joe Sangl’s tools page because this is the best pre-made form I could find. Download the Weekly Budget Form and fill it out in a very similar fashion to the Monthly Budget Form. The major difference is you go week by week. So if you are paid weekly or every other week you just fill in the pay you received by week like this:
The form automatically fills in the totals at the top. When you have money left over the total is yellow. If you go over the money in your paycheck it turns red. And when you spend all your money to zero it turns green (this being the goal). As you can see it is very much like the monthly budget but you are spending each paycheck (or if you have more than one income, paychecks) on paper as you get it. This allows you to pay bills as they come in. So if you have a bunch of bills at the beginning or middle of the month you can devote the majority of that paycheck to paying bills and use the other to pay for food and fun. This usually means the first month will be a little tight but once you make it through the initial adjustment stage things get easier and easier. This will allow you to start saving money and figure out where the overspending is occurring.
This budget will work for almost anyone but in the financial groups that I talk to the question of irregular income always comes up. I worked on full commission for a while and it did make budgeting a lot harder but there are ways to stabilize the feast and famine lifestyle that many irregular income earners experience. I will explore what we found to be the best option tomorrow.
Posted in
January 5th, 2008 at 06:42 am
A budget is not a means to keep you from having fun and it isn’t even a tool to tell you where or how you have to spend your money. A budget is just a spending plan. You are just telling your money where to go ahead of time instead of waiting until you are presented with a buying decision. This puts you in control of your money instead of being jerked around by marketers and salespeople.
The best thing about budgeting is that it isn’t an exact science. If you set aside 300 dollars for groceries and find at the end of the month you haven’t used it all and would like to have an extra night of eating out, you can do that. The goal is to make sure we are not over spending not to make life miserable by shackling ourselves to the ink on a piece of paper. So lets get started.
Text is Joe Sangl and Link is http://josephsangl.com Joe Sangl has the best budget form I have run across. In fact it isn’t even close. So lets go to his Text is tools page and Link is http://www.josephsangl.com/?page_id=151 tools page and download a monthly budget form. Now that we have a framework to go from, all we do is open it in excel and start filling in the blanks. Start with income
Now type in your expenses.
The first time through just type in everything as you have been spending it. This will allow you to see the areas you are overspending and adjust accordingly. I love that this spreadsheet tells you what percentage of your income each area is consuming. The other great feature is the running total at the top. When you are done it should look something like this.
WOO HOO!! It equals zero!! That means you are done and just have to follow the plan that you have laid out. My wife and I sit down and figure out our budget out each month before the month begins. This works great for us, but a lot of people are living paycheck to paycheck (about 70% of Americans) or have irregular income, like I used to. This makes it much harder to budget on a monthly basis. Tomorrow we will look at a weekly budget form for those living paycheck to paycheck and on Thursday irregular income. If you need more help with this subject I recommend going over to Text is Joe Sangl’s and Link is http://www.josephsangl.com/ Joe Sangl’s site and filling up on information. And for legal reasons I have to let you know that I am not a financial counselor and the information I share here is only how my wife and I manage or have managed our finances. I hope this inspires you to get your budget together for the new year.
Posted in
December 19th, 2007 at 03:01 pm
So you’ve done all or most of your Christmas shopping and are confident that the prices you found are at least a good deal. But, what if you could save more on your gifts? Or any other purchase, for that matter.
Most retailers now have a price protection guarantee, where if you find a better price within a certain period of time (usually 30 days) you can bring the advertisement in and get a refund. Some even give you an additional discount of around 5% to compensate for you coming into the store. Unfortunately it is a complete hassle to keep looking at advertising after you have already made your purchase. Once again the Internet has come to the rescue.
The first site I found to help with this problem is Text is refundplease.com and Link is http://www.refundplease.com/ refundplease.com. The downside to this site is that it deals solely with Amazon. However it is very effective with Amazon purchases. Just enter the ISBN/ASN, the price you paid, the date, and your email address. Then just sit back and wait for them to find a better price and e-mail you.
Needless to say I was pleased with this find until I came upon Text is PriceProtectr.com and Link is http://www.priceprotectr.com/ PriceProtectr.com. PriceProtectr is a very similar format to refundplease except that they are compatible with 74 retailers. In scanning their list this includes all the big box store (Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, etc.). Another nice feature is they tell you how long each merchant gives you the price guarantee and some tips about their return/price match policies. This service does take a little longer to enter the info because you will have to find a link on the merchant’s website to the item you purchased, but once you spend that little bit of time you are set. Then you can enjoy the holidays and know that you are going to get the best price on the items you purchase for the next 30 days.
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December 17th, 2007 at 01:45 pm
Lots of good freebies out on the internet this week. Hope your shopping and family plans are going well.
Free Text is Candle Scent Sample Pack and Link is http://candlecutie.com/request_a_free_sample_pack Candle Scent Sample Pack
Free Sample Text is Dove Pro Age products and Link is http://www.doveproage.com/samples_reg.asp?source=dove_s Dove Pro Age products
Free Sample from Text is Nexxus and Link is http://hairstyles.nexxus.com/?s_cid=c3a:google:Hairstyle_kwanzaa_1:kwanzaa+long+hair+style Nexxus
Coupon for $5 off any Text is Olay Regenerist product and Link is https://pgpromotions.archway.com/olaymicro/ Olay Regenerist product
Free Sample of Text is Post-It flags and notes and Link is http://www3.3m.com/qfrm/ShowSurvey?surveyid=JOENJRK8 Post-It flags and notes
I finally caved to my wife and found a free Text is Chocolate Sample and Link is http://www.cabaretchocolates.com/request.html Chocolate Sample
I do all these samples and coffee is the one everyone talks about. So Text is here is another and Link is http://www.steamerscoffeeofcolorado.com/Get_Your_FREE_Coffee_.html here is another
and finally by using promotion id “219032″ a Text is free glossy and Link is http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/ProtectionFilms/Home/Contact/ReplacementFilmForm/?WT.mc_id=www.3mprotectionfilms.com free glossy protective film for your small lcd screens (cell phone, pda, etc.) from 3M
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December 14th, 2007 at 09:25 pm
Ever wonder if the item you are buying is worth the price? You search day and night through specs on this purchase or that but it is always hard to be sure what you are getting is a good product. The best way I have found to is to hit the consumer opinion sites. Using these kind of sites you can be fairly certain a product will not be a bust. So before you go out and finish off that Christmas list I would check out:
Text is Epinions and Link is http://www.epinions.com/ Epinions — The largest of the consumer opinion sites. I have had great luck with this site.
Text is Cnet and Link is http://www.cnet.com/ Cnet — This one is best used for electronics. It includes both consumer and editor reviews.
Text is Yelp and Link is http://www.yelp.com/ Yelp — Yelp is used for restaurants and attractions. So if you are buying a gift card to one of these, this is a great place to start.
Text is ConsumerReview and Link is http://www.consumerreview.com/ ConsumerReview — very similar to Epinions
I hope these sites help with your buying decisions.
Christmas Deals Update:
I added 7 new deals to the Text is Toys section Text is from my [url=http://astore.amazon.com/savifrea-20]amazon.com deals and Link is from my [url=http://astore.amazon.com/savifrea-20]amazon.co...
[url=http://feeds.feedburner.com/SavingFreak]Subscribe to this feed and Link is http://astore.amazon.com/savifrea-20?%5Fencoding=UTF8&node=5 Toys sectionText is from my [url... • Text is Add to del.icio.us and Link is http://del.icio.us/post?v=4&partner=fb&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.savingfreak.com%2F%3Fp%3D104&title=Save%20on%20Your%20Christmas%20Gifts Add to del.icio.us • Text is Digg This! and Link is http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&partner=fb&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.savingfreak.com%2F%3Fp%3D104&title=Save+on+Your+Christmas+Gifts Digg This! • Text is Stumble It! and Link is http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=104&title=Save%20on%20Your%20Christmas%20Gifts Stumble It!
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December 13th, 2007 at 01:21 pm
With Christmas right around the corner I want to make myself available to my readers with suggestions for gifts. So For the next week (which will give you enough time for internet deals to ship to you) I will try to post frequently with deals I am finding throughout retail. If you have something you are searching for, feel free to use the Text is contact form and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?page_id=2 contact form located at the top of the page and I will be glad to find the best deals I can. Please, try not to send me more than a couple per person, this could get ugly. Here are the most recent deals I have found
Text is College logo hats from American Eagle and Link is http://www.ae.com/web/browse/category_no_fashion.jsp?catId=cat90080 College logo hats from American Eagle. Regularly 24.50 on sale 6.95 and use coupon code "64152219" to knock the price down to $5.91 with $5 for shipping (I added three hats to the bag and the shipping charge did not change).
Buy.com has a Text is Refurbished Creative Zen Micro Phone 8GB MP3 player and Link is http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=206605500 Refurbished Creative Zen Micro Phone 8GB MP3 player for $69.99. That is less than half the regular price for a new model and has no shipping charge.
Amazon Deals
I found six great deals on items Text is for the Home and Link is http://astore.amazon.com/savifrea-20?%5Fencoding=UTF8&node=6 for the Home all of them at least 50% off. The best being a 13 Piece Chicago Cutlery Bistro set for $30 regularly $100
Seven different Text is deals on Toys and Link is http://astore.amazon.com/savifrea-20?%5Fencoding=UTF8&node=5 deals on Toys and only one of them over $12
I found four Text is deals on electronics and Link is http://astore.amazon.com/savifrea-20?%5Fencoding=UTF8&node=7 deals on electronics. These are higher priced due to the nature of the products but all are at least 43% off.
Hope this helps and happy shopping!
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December 12th, 2007 at 01:14 pm
I joined Text is Joe Sangl and Link is http://www.joesangl.com/ Joe Sangl this weekend on his crusade to help people with their finances. It really is fun to watch people realize that they can win with money after years of not understanding how to control their spending.
There was one uncomfortable moment when we went to fill up for gas. Joe drove right by the Race Way gas station and went to Shell instead and it was 2 cents more per gallon. He actually drove an extra 100 yard to get fuel at a higher priced gas station. Why? Because he didn’t like filling up next to the tanker truck that was refueling the stations gas tanks. He thought it might blow up or something. While this irrational fear cost him around 40 cents his next gas infraction came very quickly. After the tank was full, Joe didn’t turn the pump off and squeeze the trigger to allow the excess to drip into the tank. I was mortified!! I see this as the same as not picking up a penny as you pass it by on the street. Joe quickly called me a saving freak, we laughed and were on our way. I really do these things on a regular basis and though Joe doesn’t pinch the penny like I do he is pretty frugal on most things.
Joe is an excellent speaker and the tools on his web page are probably the best personal finance tools I have run across. If you want to have him come to your business, church, etc. you can contact him Text is here and Link is http://www.josephsangl.com/?page_id=2 here.
Posted in
December 11th, 2007 at 07:25 pm
The best deals on travel are never posted on any website and you cannot get them through direct contact with the companies themselves. The only way I have found to access the hidden deals is to bid using Text is Priceline[url/]. There are a few other sites that let you bid on travel but none of them are nearly as large in scope as Priceline.
The strategy is simple you just have to do a little research. The first site to check is [url=http://www.biddingfortravel.com/]biddingfortravel.com and Link is http://www.priceline.com/ Priceline[url/]. There are a few other sites that let you bi.... At this site you can see what prices other people are getting on their rates to a specific destination (arifare, hotel, and car rental). They also have bidding information on vacation packages.
After I have checked out biddingfortravel I go to Text is Hotwire and Link is http://www.hotwire.com/ Hotwire. Whatever rate I can get on Hotwire for a specific part of my trip I then go to Priceline and bid half of that rate. I will then move my bid up five dollars at a time until it is either accepted or it meets the Hotwire rate. In order to do this efficiently you will need more than one credit card since Priceline will only let you bid once per day per card without changing your options. I will usually save between 25%-50% off the Hotwire rate. Using this method I have gotten deals on a 4 star resort in Hilton Head (a resort city in SC) with an ocean view for $70 a night, a 3 star hotel in Savannah, GA for $42 a night, rented a mid size sedan for $5 a day, and many others. If you are willing to make the effort you can find amazing deals on anything that you can bid on with Priceline. This is by far the best way to go when it comes to travel.
Check Out my other two posts on travel:
Text is Travel Troubles and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=98 Travel Troubles
Text is Travel Websites and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=100 Travel Websites
Posted in
December 11th, 2007 at 02:03 am
There seems to be a million websites where you can book travel these days. When it comes to searching for travel deals I only use three. The first is Travelocity. I like Text is Travelocity and Link is http://www.travelocity.com/ Travelocity because it does list the details of the airline, hotel, time leaving, etc. with whom you are booking. They also have a great feature for booking airlines which is the flexible dates button. This allows you to search over a span of days and make a decision about when to travel as opposed to deciding when to travel and then making trying to bend the airlines flights around your plans. For international rates you have to use the international version of Travelocity which is called [ur=http://www.zuji.com/]Zuji[/url] (I don’t know where they got that name but it reminds me of how my stomach feels when I get sick on an airplane)
If you just want the best deal on a certain day, range of days, or quality level I use Text is Hotwire and Link is http://www.hotwire.com/ Hotwire. Hotwire does not tell you what company will be providing the service only what the rating is or the date range. So If I want to stay in Hilton Head I would only get to pick the number of stars of the hotel/resort not the actual hotel itself. Travelocity negotiates for lower prices and thus give you a better deal on average, especially on rental cars and hotels.
If I am going to be staying somewhere for an extended period of time (more than a weekend) I always check out Text is VRBO.com and Link is http://www.vrbo.com/ VRBO.com. This stands for Vacation Rentals By Owner. This site connects people who rent out their property to people looking to rent a nice place. Every time we have used this site we have walked away with a deal. You get to negotiate directly with the property owner and if you go during the off season you can really steal a deal. These people are desperate to rent out the property when times are slow. As with any rental some money is better than nothing when your property is sitting there empty.
Other sites I recommend but do not use regularly:
Text is Kayak and Link is http://www.kayak.com/ Kayak
Text is Sidestep and Link is http://www.sidestep.com/ Sidestep
Text is Travelzoo and Link is http://www.travelzoo.com/ Travelzoo
Text is Mobissmo and Link is http://www.mobissimo.com/ Mobissmo — International
Text is Venere and Link is http://www.venere.com/ Venere
Text is Vacation home rentals and Link is http://vacationhomerentals.com/ Vacation home rentals
Text is City 3-letter Code and Link is http://www.airportcitycodes.com/ City 3-letter Code
Text is airplane seating and Link is http://www.seatguru.com/ airplane seating (find the best seat)
Check Out My other two posts on travel:
Text is Travel Troubles and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=98 Travel Troubles
Text is Getting the Best Travel Deals and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=101 Getting the Best Travel Deals
Posted in
December 8th, 2007 at 03:04 pm
Traveling long distances is never fun and rarely inexpensive. It used to be there was too little information for the common man to get a good deal, so he would employ the help of a travel agent. Now, with the internet, there is so much info weeding through it all is hard to comprehend. Which site do I use? What info sites can I trust? Why do these guys have all the access to information and not me? The reality is the info is available for us all we just have to know where to get it and how to use it. I originally planned to have two posts on travel, but after reviewing the information I want to share with you it is going to take three. Today we are going to look at the list I look at every time I need to travel. It reminds me how things need to be done if I can help it.
* Is your passport up to date? If not get a new one NOW!!
* Airlines will give you last minute deals so If you cannot get a deal ahead of time be patient
* Hotels hate last minute deals so make sure you get your hotel booked early afor a lower price.
* Rental car places run their deals at random times. Just keep trying and you will find one.
* Get your hotel near the airport on the weekend and away from it during the week. The business travelers always stay near the airport so they are almost empty on weekends
* If you can get a discount airline for the same price take it. They are better at taking care of their customers. That is why they are taking over the market.
* Be prepared to pay 20% more than whatever price you get online. Local governments have figured out that taxation without representation works in the favor of those who govern.
* Do you know someone near the are you are traveling to? See if they can get you a deal
* Always think off season for travel. Beach when it is colder, mountains when it is warmer, and anywhere you want in the first two weeks of December.
* Never buy a timeshare from a timeshare company (repeat in head three times).
* Traveling is expensive but it is one of the reasons we put forth so much effort to save money every day.
Check Out my other two posts on travel:
Text is Travel Websites and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=100 Travel Websites
Text is Getting the Best Travel Deals and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=101 Getting the Best Travel Deals
Posted in
December 5th, 2007 at 02:02 pm
Text is Lazy Man and Money and Link is http://www.lazymanandmoney.com/ Lazy Man and Money was kind enough to include my post on Text is Mattress Myths and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=90 Mattress Myths in the Text is Festival of Frugality and Link is http://www.lazymanandmoney.com/festival-of-frugality-102/ Festival of Frugality. This is a weekly blog carnival that highlights some of the better personal finance posts on frugality. Some of my favorites are:
AskDong breaks down the Text is cost of toilet paper and Link is http://www.askdong.com/blog/2007/11/29/dont-skimp-on-the-toilet-paper/ cost of toilet paper.
My Money Thinks chimes in with some gifts for Text is hard to shop for people and Link is http://www.mymoneythinks.com/money/go-outside-the-box-for-great-holiday-gifts/ hard to shop for people.
This wasn’t in the plan shares some ideas on a Text is frugal Christmas and Link is http://nottheplan.blogspot.com/2007/11/you-cant-buy-christmas.html frugal Christmas.
And Paid twice gives a great update on Text is Using your Turkey and Link is http://www.paidtwice.com/2007/11/29/update-on-using-that-turkey/ Using your Turkey
I have been hounded by some friends to explain how I get such great travel deals. With so many people traveling in the next couple of weeks I think it is a good time to reveal my secrets. Check back tomorrow so you never over pay for travel again.
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you Text is subscribe to my RSS feed! and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?feed=rss2 subscribe to my RSS feed!
Posted in
December 4th, 2007 at 01:06 pm
Text is The Grocery Game and Link is http://www.thegrocerygame.com/ The Grocery Game is a website set up to help people with buying groceries. For the last four weeks I have been trying it out to get a feel for how it works. At first glance this is one of the best ideas I have come across, however I came in completely unprepared so I ran into some pitfalls. The site goes out into the world and gathers information about coupons as well as weekly specials run at your local grocery stores. It compiles this information into a ready to read sheet that allows you to shop in a very inexpensive and efficient manner.
The service is relatively inexpensive. You pay $10 for two months of service for one grocery store and $5 for each additional grocery store and you get a trial period of 4 weeks for $1. I would risk a buck to try most things that may save me money.
The downside to the site is you really need to be collecting coupons for about a month before you are ready to use the service effectively. You also should consider having a large stand alone freezer for buying in bulk. My wife and I had neither of these so I started out bare and was not able to take advantage of the best deals. Also, since we have not ventured down the path of children yet, we do not really like having a bunch of one item since it usually goes bad before we can get around to using it (yes, even in the freezer). I personally found the site informative but relatively useless for my family.
Now I know that I have a limited perspective so I employed the help of my older sister (the one who broke rule #1 on Text is Mattress Myths and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=90 Mattress Myths) since she has three children in her family. She really likes the site. For her it cuts down the time she is in the grocery store, helps her save on groceries every week, and lets her know when to stock up on a specific item. And somwhere out there there is a single person happy that she is not spending as much time in the grocery store with her three children.
So overall I think this is a pretty good site and would recommend anyone try it to see if it works for their family.
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you Text is subscribe to my RSS feed! and Link is http://feeds.feedburner.com/SavingFreak subscribe to my RSS feed!
Posted in
December 3rd, 2007 at 03:42 pm
I saw a comment on a post at Text is Joe Sangl’s blog and Link is http://www.joesangl.com Joe Sangl’s blog by Tina. In this comments she talks about getting a cheaper price on spices by purchasing the spices from the international section of the grocery store. So while I was down at my local grocer shopping for food I checked it out. As I went down the international foods isle I noticed that the spices in the Mexican/Latino food section were all $1.39 (the labels were all in spanish and english). When I found the spice rack on the baking I made sure that I was looking at the exact same spices and was amazed at the difference in price. The least expensive one I could find, that had a spanish language equivalent, was 1.98 and that one spice was the odd ball. Most of them were upwards of three dollars and some were over five. Even the ones that were on special were twice as much as the spanish language spices. The great news is these are not off the wall spices but spices my wife and I use all the time (garlic powder, paprika, cloves, etc.). From now on I will be spicing up my life in spanish. Thanks Tina!
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you Text is subscribe to my RSS feed! and Link is http://feeds.feeburner.com/SavingFreak subscribe to my RSS feed!
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December 2nd, 2007 at 09:02 pm
Apparently there are a lot of women who love the free samples I find so I thought I would have a clip of freebies for them.
Text is Garnie Fructis and Link is http://www.startsampling.com/sm/walmart/?item=100059 Garnie Fructis has another sample going
Take a survey from the Text is Village Co. and Link is http://thevillagecompany.com/ Village Co. and choose from four samples.
I don’t know what Text is Healthy Cell Serum and Link is https://ddfskincare.safeprocessing.com/ Healthy Cell Serum is but is sounds nice.
A free sample of Text is Clean and Clear Morning Burst and Link is http://www.teenfreeway.com/cnc/cncr1a_nov07.htm Clean and Clear Morning Burst.
I’m feeling more attractive already. Have a great Sunday!
Posted in
November 30th, 2007 at 02:52 pm
I am a firm believer in giving a portion of what you make to some sort of charitable organization. Whether you view that as your local church or some charitable organization is up to you. Many people, myself included, believe that giving is a major part of financial health since it takes your eyes off of just making money and helps you realize what you can do with money. With all this time we spend talking about money we need remember that money is a tool not a prize.
That being said you should be careful about who or what you give your money to. Find a cause you believe in but make sure the people “leading” that cause are taking care of the money they are given. When we donate to a charity outside of our normal giving, my wife and I give to the Text is Salvation Army and Link is http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/ Salvation Army. We do so because we believe in their mission and because they are one of the most efficient charities year in and year out. I know this because they are very transparent with their financial accounting and have gained this reputation through years and years of good stewardship.
If you are looking at giving to a charity but are not sure whether they are the best investment for your giving check out Text is give.org and Link is http://www.give.org/ give.org and Text is charitynavigator.org and Link is http://www.charitynavigator.org/ charitynavigator.org. I prefer Text is give.org and Link is http://www.give.org/ give.org because they include the financial information from religious organizations in their data, but both are great websites. This is a great way to make sure the money you give is actually going to the cause or causes you believe in.
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Posted in
November 29th, 2007 at 01:39 pm
The sale of premium mattresses in the U.S. is going through the roof! It seems Americans are sleeping less than they used to and to compensate they are spending a fortune on mattresses. To clarify a premium mattress is one that costs $2500 or more. $2500!!! Now I have searched and searched and found no real scientific evidence that one of these mattresses actually helps you sleep better. My wife and I sleep on a comfortable queen-size pillow top mattress that we bought at one of the warehouse clubs (with box spring) for just over $400. Yes, it was on clearance. Now I am not saying go get a crappy bed but the truth is your body adjusts to what you are sleeping on in about three nights.
There are many factors that can help you get a good nights sleep. The most comprehensive list I found was at Text is helpguide.org and Link is http://www.helpguide.org/life/sleep_tips.htm helpguide.org. In their guide they talk about daytime habits, sleep environment, pre-sleep rituals, and give you some tips for getting back to sleep. Overall a great resource.
Now I have a few rules when it comes to buying a mattress.
Rule 1 - Never let a pregnant woman pick out your mattress- This is a tip from my big sister who picked out her mattress when she was pregnant. Now she has to deal with what feels like a giant piece of rock. She and her husband joke about it every time the subject comes up. Also you will probably spend more when a pregnant woman picks the mattress because what are you supposed to do, say no? Whoa you are a braver man than I am.
Rule 2 - Always Shop the Warehouse Clubs First- This may sound crazy but Sams, BJ’s, and Costco actually have some pretty good mattresses. We got ours from BJ’s and it was made by Bassett. It has been great and my wife, a very light sleeper, sleeps on it as soundly as she is able. I can sleep anywhere, anytime, and in almost any position (this includes upside down and kneeling on the floor). So we did not buy a bed to suit my needs, because I have none.
Rule 3 - Always Pay Cash at a Mattress Store- As with any furniture buy there is a lot of flexibility in price. I always pay cash for furniture. In fact I bring in $100 bills and will offer about 2/3 of the price and lay the cash on the piece of furniture in front of the salesperson. This makes the salesperson uncomfortable but they will usually counter offer somewhere in the area of your price.
Rule 4 - Do Not be Afraid to Walk Away- Once again this is a general furniture rule. If the store manager will not come down on the price walk away and find another store that will. If you are vindictive (like me) you can take your new mattress home in a pickup truck after you stop by the first store and show the manager what you got.
So next time you buy a mattress remember that the price does not always translate into sleep.
Posted in
November 28th, 2007 at 04:09 pm
Following up on my post last week Text is Filling in Holes and Link is http://www.savingfreak.com/?p=82 Filling in Holes, I finally got a chance to call some cemeteries to see if they would give me free dirt to fix my back yard. I called three and all were very polite. The first had another company that took the excess dirt for them. The second and third both had a pile of dirt that I was welcome to take as much as I wanted. At the advising of one of my readers I also called the local school district to see if I could take some dirt from behind their softball field (where they apparently dump all the excess from building projects). Although pleasant on the phone, no one knew who I would have to ask to get permission and as with most bureaucracies I was handed off in circles until I got frustrated and gave up. So the best bet seems to be my original idea of going to the cemeteries. So next time you need some dirt don’t waste your money having someone haul it to you. Just borrow a truck and run to the local cemetery to get it free.
Posted in
November 27th, 2007 at 12:31 pm
Ever look at something on the shelf and think, “man, I could really use that but am I getting a good deal?” That question can now be answered as long as the item you are looking at has a bar code. Introducing Text is Frucall and Link is http://www.frucall.com/ Frucall, an online company that offers three ways to compare prices from your mobile phone. You can call the toll free number 1-888-363-7822 and enter the bar code, text message the bar code to 37811 and they will text you back, or you can use your mobile web browser to go to Text is http://frucall.com/m and Link is http://frucall.com/m http://frucall.com/m and use the mobile version of their website. This is a great way to make sure you are at least getting a fair price.
Posted in
November 26th, 2007 at 02:34 pm
Yes it is Cyber Monday. This is the online equivalent of Black Friday. Almost every retailer has something going on today so get out there and find the best deals on Christmas presents (or whatever holiday you celebrate). There are not as many options to find deals on Cyber Monday as there are for Black Friday. The best place I have found is a forum from Text is Gottadeal.com and Link is http://forums.gottadeal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=63 Gottadeal.com. There are tons of great links there to some of the best online deals of the season. Have fun but try not to overspend.
Posted in
November 24th, 2007 at 09:40 pm
Well I had a reasonably successful Black Friday and yet completely frustrating. Although I had planned to go to five stores ,I only made it to two because neither one was ready for the onslaught of customers. I was in Warner Robins, Ga visiting family for Thanksgiving so I went out on Friday morning at 4AM with my brother-in-law. We went to Circuit City first and he scored a 46 and 32 inch television. This took so long I had to abandon him there and head to Staples. At staples I got a GPS, some PC memory, and a cool pad for my wife’s laptop. By the time I got out of Staples, which opened at 6AM and picked up my brother-in-law at CC it was 8:30 so we went home and played with our new toys and forgot about the smaller items on my hit list. Did anyone take a shot at Black Friday and come out ahead?
Posted in
November 21st, 2007 at 01:55 pm
Have you ever had an experience with a doctor (good or bad) that you wanted to tell others about? Or have you ever moved to a new area and were at a complete loss for where to find a quality doctor? Both these problems can now be solved at Text is ratemds.com and Link is http://www.ratemds.com ratemds.com. This is a great site to tell where the best doctors are in you area rated by people like you and the site allows the consumer to finally get a voice about physicians so that everyone can vote with their feet. It has great search features and the ratings are split into punctuality, helpfulness, and knowledge. No more slow, dumb, unhelpful doctors for me!
Posted in
November 20th, 2007 at 10:56 pm
I have a 105 pound Dog. She really is a sweet dog, well, except to the unfortunate wild life that wander into our back yard. Unfortunately she likes to dig a hole once in a while. This is not an easy thing to fill in. It seems she doesn’t get tired until the back yard starts to look like a war zone. So I have been trying to figure out a way to get some cheap dirt (preferably free) to fill in these holes. So who digs holes and then has more dirt than the holes can hold? THE CEMETARY!! That’s right, I am going to call the local cemetaries to see if I can get some free dirt. I will let you know how it goes. Does anyone else have a better idea?
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November 19th, 2007 at 11:05 pm
A good friend complained that I have shown him all sorts of ways to spend less money on things he buys regularly but have not shown any ways to make a little extra cash on the side. In response to his whining request I introduce Text is Cash Duck and Link is http://cashduck.shiftcode.com/members/register.php?ref=kileab Cash Duck. I had considered writing about this web site earlier but some major changes took place about a month ago and I wanted to make sure that everything was running properly before I recommended it to anyone. Basically the way Cash Duck works is you go through and perfomr different task (take surveys, sign up for free offers, etc.) and you earn a certan number of feathers (just like points but since the theme of the site is ducks, well you get it). You can cash those feathers in for gift cards or prizes. The prizes change from month to month but the gift cards work like this:
400 feathers = $25 gift card
775 feathers = $50 gift card
1150 feathers = $75 gift card
As you can see the more feathers you cash in at one time the better the deal on the gift card. I counted aproximately 75 different stores from which you could request a gift card. My favorite is Wal-Mart so that I can get gasoline, food, or other needs. This allows me to do a few extra things here and there with my budget. The feathers add up pretty quickly since all the free offers are 10 to 15 feathers and there are always a good number of offers on the site. There are also offers where you can receive hundreds of feathers but they are usualy for limited time trials. Make sure you cancel before the end of the trial period or you will be charged. Also, always use a credit card (NOT A DEBIT CARD) so you can dispute the charges if you cancel in time and the company still charges you. So far this year I have earned a little over $700 from Cash Duck and I have found it pretty easy to get atleast 600 feathers per month without doing the limited time trial offers. You can Text is check out the site and sign up here and Link is http://cashduck.shiftcode.com/members/register.php?ref=kileab check out the site and sign up here.
Posted in
November 18th, 2007 at 05:25 pm
Just a few free samples for you to enjoy
Text is Mystery Shampoo and Conditioner Sample and Link is https://pgpromotions.archway.com/hsmystery/?language=EN Mystery Shampoo and Conditioner Sample
Text is Biz Laundry Detergent and Link is http://www.startsampling.com/sm/100018/captureAddress.iphtml?item=100018&source=KROGER Biz Laundry Detergent
Text is Huggies Gentle Care Sensitive Baby Wipes and Link is http://www.startsampling.com/sm/100098/captureAddress.iphtml?item=100098&source=KROGER Huggies Gentle Care Sensitive Baby Wipes
Text is Breathe Right Nasal Strips and Link is http://info-request.com/customers/gmtv/breathright/ Breathe Right Nasal Strips
Posted in
November 17th, 2007 at 10:52 pm
The title is not trying any thunder from Lazy Man and Money (this is an awesome blog you should check it out), but emphasize how the adoption of online retailing by the larger box stores is making it easier and easier to not have to go out on Black Friday. Now the best door buster deals are not usually available online, but a lot of the good deals will be. Each retailer is different in how they will be handling online sales so you have to research each one. I do know that Wal-Mart and Best Buy will be offering some of their BF sales online.
Now for the person who doesn’t want to bother with Black Friday at all there is a fairly new phenomenon called Cyber-Monday. This is the Monday after Thanksgiving when everyone is dragging back into work. Basically a large number of on-line retailers (Amazon, NewEgg, Buy.com, etc.) use this day as the start to the Holiday Season and begin all their big sales that day. The deals for Cyber-Monday are much harder to hunt down than Black Friday deals. Apparently either the online retailers are able to keep their ads from leaking (no paper) or the monkeys who run the message boards feel some loyalty to their online brethren. So far all I have found is a tidbit here and there and two sites, Text is cybermonday.com and Link is cybermonday.com and Text is Dealio.com and Link is Dealio.com, that are dedicated to providing a list of Cyber-Monday deals but not until the day is actually upon us. Personally I will be doing both looking for good deals on gifts for my family and friends. I hope your shopping experience is grand and that no one gets trampled this year.
Posted in
November 17th, 2007 at 05:22 pm
Here are a few free items to reduce stress in your life.
No need to worry about smelling bad so I found some Text is free deodorant and Link is http://walmart.triaddigital.com/enhancedrendercontent_ektid21612.aspx free deodorant
For those that need it here is a Text is free stress ball and Link is http://www.squeezeyourstress.com/ free stress ball
And since some cope by eating here is a Text is free Arby’s Milkshake and Link is http://www.arbysfinest.com/coupies/ free Arby’s Milkshake
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November 16th, 2007 at 08:46 pm
O.K. so you have honed your body, and prepared your information for this great day of shopping. Now you need an A+ strategy for attacking the stores on Black Friday. The first step is decide, what is your have got to have number one item? Once you decide on your top pick you will need to know if there are other things on sale at that store that you want to pick up. However many individual items you want to purchase at the alpha store is how many people you need to take with you to that store. In my personal experience Wal-Mart is a lost cause. Why even put yourself in a place where you could get trampled? I would focus on the next tier Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, and other big box stores.
Now that you have determined your alpha target it is time to determine targets Bravo through golf (that’s 2-7 if you have that many). The way I do this is two fold. I list all the items I want to purchase in one column followed by the store that each item is on sale in the second column. I then rate how busy that store will be. If one item is more important than the others it moves to the top of the list and that store will be visited second. If they are all equal value I then determine the likely hood of that item selling out by how busy that store is likely to be. For example: If I were trying to get a great deal on a thumb drive and it was on sale at Circuit City (a high traffic store) I would go there much earlier in the day than if it were on sale at Staples, because people do not as easily think of Staples as a place to get a great deal on Black Friday. To Help you out here is my list rated from 5 to 1 (5-most traffic, 1-least traffic). This of course depends on if you have these store in your area.
5-Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Toys R Us
4-Circuit City, Comp USA, K Mart, HHGregg,
3-All the department stores (Sears, Macy’s, Etc.), Radio Shack
2-Home Depot, Lowes
1-Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, Ace Hardware, Pep Boys (yes even Pep Boys is in on the fun)
I have decided to add one more post onto this series so check back tomorrow for my the conclusion.
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November 15th, 2007 at 02:20 pm
On Black Friday there is a miriad of advertising and tempting deals to lure you in every direction. The second key to a successful Black Friday shopping experience is knowing what stores you want to hit. In the old days, before the internet, everyone had to wait until all the ads were released which was usually just a few days before. You can still use these ads but with the internet now available it gives you much more time to prepare your hit sheet. Different sites will have different ads available so your best bet is to look for the stores that are in your area on the different sites and then collect data accordingly. The two sites I like the most are Text is blackfriday.info and Link is http://www.blackfriday.info/ blackfriday.info and Text is black-friday.net and Link is http://www.black-friday.net/ black-friday.net. Both of these sites have pretty good coverage of the major stores and they include the opiton of creating a shopping list by registering with their site. None of the other sites I have gone through have this option. Just in case you are interested the other sites are: Text is blackfriday.dealspl.us and Link is http://blackfriday.dealspl.us/ blackfriday.dealspl.us, Text is dealtaker.com and Link is http://www.dealtaker.com/blackfriday.html dealtaker.com, Text is gottadeal.com and Link is http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/ gottadeal.com, Text is blackfridayads.com and Link is http://www.blackfridayads.com/ blackfridayads.com, Text is theblackfriday.com and Link is http://www.theblackfriday.com/ theblackfriday.com, and Text is bfads.net and Link is http://bfads.net/ bfads.net. All of these are great sites to start forming you list. Tomorrow I will go over my final step of Black Friday preparation — Strategy.
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November 14th, 2007 at 02:37 pm
Black Friday is next week and the hype surrounding it is in full swing. The day got its name for the day when retailers typically make a profit for the year or are “in the black.” As someone who used to work in retail full time I am always amused by the rumblings of what is happening with black friday. The big box stores are always out there threatening to sue people for releasing their Black Friday ads early (especially Wal-Mart), people are going nuts over the next “favorite” toy, and the commission sales people are raking in the dough.
If you are going to venture out and go for the big prizes on Black Friday you must realize that this is not a fun and games shopping experience. It’s more like a blood sport. There are three areas you will need to take into consideration to be successful at Black Friday shopping and the first is physical preparation.
To prepare physically you will need to go to bed early. Please do not try to hit 7 stores in one day with no sleep. You want to know why someone gets trampled every year? Because they fell asleep near the front of the line. If you are going after one of the door buster deals you will be up by at least 3am, if not earlier, trying to get a spot near the front of the line. This means you will need more than just yourself to be out there. That way someone can hold your spot so you can go to the bathroom, or while one of you goes for food. You will need the same number of people as items you are trying secure. So if there are three specific door buster deals you want from Best Buy then you will need two other friends or family that will go get those items while you go for the most important prize. They will not be there if you try to run around the store picking each one up individually. As per the BF rules everyone from your party must start in line together. That way no one can complain about you not having been there from the beginning. For good measure, if one of you goes out for food offer to get something for the person behind you in line. By extending this act of kindness they are not likely to get upset with you for not having everyone stay put. So, now that you have enough sleep and you have enough bodies you are physically ready for BF and can move on to the second area of preparation… information. Which we will talk about tomorrow.
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November 12th, 2007 at 12:13 pm
I used to live just south of Charlotte, NC (SC has lower taxes). I would commute to the north side of Charlotte for work driving about 30 miles one way. It was at this point in time that I became fascinated with autowrapping. You have probably seen cars that have advertising that completely covers the car. Many of these vehicles are owned by the company that is being advertised, but some of them are just private citizens that are being paid to advertise with their vehicle. My problem was that my cars have always been so old that no one wanted to advertise on them. Now that I have a new enough car I don’t drive far enough to entice an advertiser (plus I live in the country so not enough possible customers either).
Now I am sure some are curious as to why I would want to do this. The reason is they pay you somewhere between $200-$400 per month. That could pay off your car!! It could cover the rising cost of gasoline. I mean that is a significant chunk of change for letting someone advertise on your vehicle. The contracts vary in length but I found two companies that still do this type of advertising. They are Text is AutoWrapped and Link is http://www.autowrapped.com/ AutoWrapped and Text is Ad-Wraps and Link is http://www.ad-wraps.com/index.html Ad-Wraps. There are some others but they want you to pay a membership fee so that seems like a scam. If you live in a heavily populated are this might be a nice source of income for you.
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