Home > Black Friday Pt. 4 -- The Lazy Man's Black Friday

Black Friday Pt. 4 -- The Lazy Man's Black Friday

November 17th, 2007 at 10:52 pm

The title is not trying any thunder from Lazy Man and Money (this is an awesome blog you should check it out), but emphasize how the adoption of online retailing by the larger box stores is making it easier and easier to not have to go out on Black Friday. Now the best door buster deals are not usually available online, but a lot of the good deals will be. Each retailer is different in how they will be handling online sales so you have to research each one. I do know that Wal-Mart and Best Buy will be offering some of their BF sales online.

Now for the person who doesn’t want to bother with Black Friday at all there is a fairly new phenomenon called Cyber-Monday. This is the Monday after Thanksgiving when everyone is dragging back into work. Basically a large number of on-line retailers (Amazon, NewEgg,, etc.) use this day as the start to the Holiday Season and begin all their big sales that day. The deals for Cyber-Monday are much harder to hunt down than Black Friday deals. Apparently either the online retailers are able to keep their ads from leaking (no paper) or the monkeys who run the message boards feel some loyalty to their online brethren. So far all I have found is a tidbit here and there and two sites,

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Text is and Link is, that are dedicated to providing a list of Cyber-Monday deals but not until the day is actually upon us. Personally I will be doing both looking for good deals on gifts for my family and friends. I hope your shopping experience is grand and that no one gets trampled this year.

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