Home > The Grocery Game

The Grocery Game

December 4th, 2007 at 01:06 pm

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The Grocery Game is a website set up to help people with buying groceries. For the last four weeks I have been trying it out to get a feel for how it works. At first glance this is one of the best ideas I have come across, however I came in completely unprepared so I ran into some pitfalls. The site goes out into the world and gathers information about coupons as well as weekly specials run at your local grocery stores. It compiles this information into a ready to read sheet that allows you to shop in a very inexpensive and efficient manner.

The service is relatively inexpensive. You pay $10 for two months of service for one grocery store and $5 for each additional grocery store and you get a trial period of 4 weeks for $1. I would risk a buck to try most things that may save me money.

The downside to the site is you really need to be collecting coupons for about a month before you are ready to use the service effectively. You also should consider having a large stand alone freezer for buying in bulk. My wife and I had neither of these so I started out bare and was not able to take advantage of the best deals. Also, since we have not ventured down the path of children yet, we do not really like having a bunch of one item since it usually goes bad before we can get around to using it (yes, even in the freezer). I personally found the site informative but relatively useless for my family.

Now I know that I have a limited perspective so I employed the help of my older sister (the one who broke rule #1 on
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Mattress Myths) since she has three children in her family. She really likes the site. For her it cuts down the time she is in the grocery store, helps her save on groceries every week, and lets her know when to stock up on a specific item. And somwhere out there there is a single person happy that she is not spending as much time in the grocery store with her three children.

So overall I think this is a pretty good site and would recommend anyone try it to see if it works for their family.

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