Home > Mattress Myths

Mattress Myths

November 29th, 2007 at 01:39 pm

The sale of premium mattresses in the U.S. is going through the roof! It seems Americans are sleeping less than they used to and to compensate they are spending a fortune on mattresses. To clarify a premium mattress is one that costs $2500 or more. $2500!!! Now I have searched and searched and found no real scientific evidence that one of these mattresses actually helps you sleep better. My wife and I sleep on a comfortable queen-size pillow top mattress that we bought at one of the warehouse clubs (with box spring) for just over $400. Yes, it was on clearance. Now I am not saying go get a crappy bed but the truth is your body adjusts to what you are sleeping on in about three nights.

There are many factors that can help you get a good nights sleep. The most comprehensive list I found was at

Text is and Link is In their guide they talk about daytime habits, sleep environment, pre-sleep rituals, and give you some tips for getting back to sleep. Overall a great resource.

Now I have a few rules when it comes to buying a mattress.

Rule 1 - Never let a pregnant woman pick out your mattress- This is a tip from my big sister who picked out her mattress when she was pregnant. Now she has to deal with what feels like a giant piece of rock. She and her husband joke about it every time the subject comes up. Also you will probably spend more when a pregnant woman picks the mattress because what are you supposed to do, say no? Whoa you are a braver man than I am.

Rule 2 - Always Shop the Warehouse Clubs First- This may sound crazy but Sams, BJ’s, and Costco actually have some pretty good mattresses. We got ours from BJ’s and it was made by Bassett. It has been great and my wife, a very light sleeper, sleeps on it as soundly as she is able. I can sleep anywhere, anytime, and in almost any position (this includes upside down and kneeling on the floor). So we did not buy a bed to suit my needs, because I have none.

Rule 3 - Always Pay Cash at a Mattress Store- As with any furniture buy there is a lot of flexibility in price. I always pay cash for furniture. In fact I bring in $100 bills and will offer about 2/3 of the price and lay the cash on the piece of furniture in front of the salesperson. This makes the salesperson uncomfortable but they will usually counter offer somewhere in the area of your price.

Rule 4 - Do Not be Afraid to Walk Away- Once again this is a general furniture rule. If the store manager will not come down on the price walk away and find another store that will. If you are vindictive (like me) you can take your new mattress home in a pickup truck after you stop by the first store and show the manager what you got.

So next time you buy a mattress remember that the price does not always translate into sleep.

3 Responses to “Mattress Myths”

  1. threebeansalad Says:

    Great post! I just bought a mattress on Tuesday evening at Mattress Warehouse after much research and comparison. I'll be writing a blog post about it shortly. The price of mattresses is totally negotiable-- I think many people don't realize this! I ended up paying $550 for a queen size Simmons, mattress, box spring, frame and delivery. The sticker price was $799 and the frame was an additional $59.99, so I paid about $300 than what was marked.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    People who spend a lot on mattresses may not be doing it because of general sleep problems that really should be solved in another way such as cutting out caffeine after 4pm or using the hours at bedtime to make mental lists for the next day. Many have back problems that will be directly affected by the mattress they sleep on.

    I understand this is one industry that is still very present in the USA and that there are a lot of small, "regional" mattress manufacturers. Do they also make mattresses for the big names--I don't know. Some will give superb deals straight from the factory and make a very good product, or so I hear.

    Once at a motel the mattress was so good for me that I checked the label. Whaddaya know? It was made by a small factory in my home town. I'd always heard of them, but had never tried them.

  3. fern Says:

    Two years ago i bought my first foam mattress, in other words, no boxspring. It was described to be as a 'Temperpedic knockoff" with the same construction but a lower price. I love this mattress and will never go back to a conventional spring thing. It is so firm that you can balance a glass of water on it while sitting down without knocking it over,a nd yet it's very comfortable.

    Generally speaking, i think the cost of mattresses is positively obscene. I can't understand why the high price. I think i paid $500 for my queen sized mattress, which compared to everything else out there seemed a 'fair' price.

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